This picture is a picture I took, planned to delete. When I processed it and downloaded it - it turned out to be a masterpiece! I love how the shadow adds to the moment. What do you think? It's nothing in comparison to yesterday's post, but still.
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There's nothing on that site, can you resend it? Thanks for your comments!
awesome it "america's heartland" please :P hehe
I enjoy it. It captures both a feeling, a lifestyle and a time of day quite well.
Very charming silhouette.
This is my first visit to your site, I will make sure to add it to my frequently visited blog list.
That's a great pic.
Nice use of silhouetting(?)
do you develop your own pictures?
wow your photos are AMAZING!!! i love them
Aisha - i do develop my own pictures. It's the best way of going about photography - you need not trust others with your work
wow- then double kudos, mash'allah:)
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