Thursday, September 22, 2005

Can you believe it? This is "just" a weed which started to grow in the flower garden. For a weed, it sure is beautiful!


Aisha said...

subhan'allah, the colors are so sharp. funny it's a weed. i love daisies and they're supposedly weeds too. oh well beauty is beauty no matter what you label it.

Aisha said...
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Anostica said...

wow..your weed sure looks etched..did you smoke it yet? :P

:: reiynscape :: said...

If I like a weed, I keep it. I have a nice one I trained to grow on my fence. =)

When I came to your site today, I was like WoW! That is so stunning with the high contrast in color you have there.
As well as so sharp and vivid, if you were going for getting the purple hued weed all the attention amist the other plants commanding attention in the background, you did an awesome job! =)

Rihla 2006 said...

Hmm...I like :)

lifeflaw said...

The color are wonderful as usual.

Did you use image editting software to increase the contrast/saturation?

நாகேந்திரன் said...

very nice photo