When I started to post images on this blog - I always put a small logo onto the image to insure that no one would steal anyone of my images. With digital technologies getting better, the liklihood of someone stealing my work - has increased. Recently, in a turn of irony, I've started to ignore the entire idea of labeling my photography with some weird logo saying "It's mine." I don't know - I hate ruining the pictures I take with words - and the effect that the picture has on the individual is lessoned by some weird logo.
So, the solution; I'm no longer providing larger versions of the image. So the largest version available from my blog will be about 640X480; which isn't too large and you can do the least amount of damage with them. I imagine an individual can get a truly beautiful 2x2 from that small resolution.
I'm working on a new method that will not interfere with the artwork - it's something that is a built in feature of
GIMP. In another two weeks I'll start experimenting.