Sunday, July 03, 2005

Settings - for July 4th

I've been pondering on this for a while even to the point of posting messages on the net to find the opinions of my comrades. I'm trying to figure out what will be the best settings for taking pictures of fireworks. I have a book from the Seattle Film Works on how to take pictures of fireworks - but that's film. Film and digital are thought to be the same, but they're not.

I'm thinking I'll go with a f/9 with a shutter speed of 9 seconds. Probably use a shutter control. I'm still debating what lens. Should I use my kit lens 18-70mm, or the telephoto 70-300mm. I think I'll be close enough so it will be an 18-70; but just in case I'll keep the telephoto in my car.

We'll see. I'll post the results here.

1 comment:

Anostica said...

do as I did...shut off the flash. And let my dinky canon digi cam do the rest..and they turned out well!